Interview Preparation

Congratulations, you have nailed your CV and cover letter which has resulted in a job interview! Now the real work begins. Here you will find all the necessary information to bag that next job. Maybe you're sitting there with no CV or Cover Letter? No worries, we have you covered. Grab a coffee and check out our CV and cover letter guides for all the helpful advice you need!


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Types Of Interviews

Knowing what types of interviews there are can influence your preparation and mentality. For the first stage, many recruiters favour a telephone interview over a face-to-face one. Whether it is for a part-time, internship or graduate job position, below are some of the interviews you may face. We discuss in detail what kind of interviews you may face, how to prepare for them, and what to expect.

Telephone Interview

Typically the first stage in an interview, a telephone interview allows the employer to find out more about you and why you applied for the role. The employer may ask some competency questions to understand if you are suitable for the position. These questions are for the recruiter to figure out if it is worth inviting you in for a face-to-face interview. You may be asked about salary expectations, what your experiences are, and if you’re suited to the company.

How To Prepare For A Telephone Interview?

  • Choose a quiet area with no background noise or distractions.
  • Living in a student house? Kindly remind your flatmates not to come storming in with 50 Jägerbombs. You can celebrate after the phone call.
  • Are housemates non-negotiable? Head over to your local college or university and book a private room.
  • The interviewer can hear your voice, but cannot see your notes. Use this to your advantage and prepare some handy cheat sheets to help with those difficult questions.
  • Dress smart. Give yourself the mentality that you are going to a face-to-face interview.

Video Interview

This may take place on Skype or Hangout and is becoming a popular method of interviewing candidates. Why? Well, many companies are nationwide or even international, therefore a convenient way to interview someone without unnecessary travel expenses. A video interview is also another form of telephone interview - and this needs just as much preparation.

How To Prepare For A Video Interview?

  • Make sure you have a working webcam with a decent wifi connection! Otherwise, the interview will not go far.
  • Tidy room? Hey - we're not judging here, but keep it tidy and make sure all suggestive looking items are not in the frame!
  • Sufficient lighting - the interviewer would like to put a face to a name, so make sure you are in a well-lit area.
  • Dress to impress! Remember the top half of you can still be seen, therefore choose something presentable and smart (you can still keep your slippers on).
  • Practice with a friend.

Face-To-Face Interview

Face-to-face interviews are highly common, so whether it is a part-time job or graduate position, you will most likely have one! A face-to-face interview is probably the most nerve-racking one. Make sure you are well prepared and have done your homework. Research the job description and the company you are applying for. You should also consider writing down all your answers to questions you may be asked, and try to remember them. Think of this like study notes for your big final exam at uni.

How To Prepare For A Face-To-Face Interview?

  • Practice that handshake! A firm handshake displays confidence and professionalism.
  • Consider body language - do not slouch in the chair (regardless of how comfortable it is).
  • Arrive on time! 10-15 minutes before is a safe bet. Check on Google Maps and plan your journey (especially if you are taking public transport).

Group Interviews

Group interviews involve the interviewer asking group questions, as well as individual ones. If you are applying for placements and graduate positions you may be invited to an assessment day, which follows a similar format. We also have a nice article on how to be assessment-day-ready. In the meantime, why don't you grab another coffee and enjoy the read?

How to prepare for a group interview?

  • Have your self-introduction ready! First impressions count, so make sure it is a good one.
  • Teamwork makes the dream work. Yes, everyone is competitive; but the interviewers will be looking at those who are keen team players.
  • Listen carefully - it can be distracting having to share your interview with others, but keep your eye on the prize!
  • Relax and enjoy it! Remember, everyone is in the same boat as you, so take a deep breath before you walk in and smash it.


How To Prepare For An Interview?

It’s a no brainer - preparing for an interview is key for ensuring success. To have nerves before an interview is common; it shows you care! However, dispel some of these worries by checking the interview preparation checklist below.

Examine the job description

There’s nothing worse than going into a job interview thinking it is for something else. This is why researching the job description is crucial! When looking through the job description, look at these key points:

  • Required skills & qualifications
  • Main duties and responsibilities
  • specified work experience (if necessary)

Carefully align their requirements with your interview answers to showcase you are the ideal candidate for the job!

Research the role

You might be thinking 'hey, isn’t this the same as researching the job description?' it’s not. Use external and reliable sources to examine the role. Sometimes companies can be ambiguous and will vaguely identify the extent of the duties involved.

Research the company

Researching a company before an interview is paramount - this not only expresses your passion to work for the company, but you can relate your answers to the company’s desire.

Consider these points too:

  • Look at the company’s mission statement! This will give an overview of what they do.
  • Know and understand the company’s values and culture. Integrate these into your answers!
  • Look through their website and social media accounts to understand their industry.

Research Interview Questions And Answers

We go into more detail about common interview questions and answers in more detail below, but use this a quick overview of what to expect. Write down your answers using the STAR technique. Wondering what on earth the STAR method is? Well, it’s an abbreviated term for:

  • Situation - (set the scene)
  • Task - (explain the task)
  • Action - (what you did)
  • Result - (the outcome)

The above method is used countlessly in interviews and is a way to keep your answers cohesive, structured and well presented.

Prepare Your Interview Outfit!

Prepare your interview outfit a couple of days in advance. Make sure your clothes are well ironed and clean (including shoes). If you are wondering what the hell do I wear to an interview? Don’t fret! We go into more detail on what to wear to an interview soon. However, a general rule should be smart casual dress; of course, this does depend on the type of work environment. But think of it like this, its best to be overdressed rather than underdressed.

Practice Your Posture And Handshake

Body language speaks louder than words. Do not slouch; sit up straight and lean slightly forward to show you are engaged. Also, make sure you have clean teeth and minty breath. One good technique is to mirror the body language of the person conducting the interview.

Prepare Travel

Are you driving? Cycling? Or are you taking the train? Figure this out before the day. Being late and stressed can easily be avoidable. It’s a good idea to find the place of the interview a little bit earlier, in case you get a little lost. However, don’t appear for the interview super early; 10 minutes before the meeting is reasonable. If for some reason you’re running late to an interview, you should call them and explain that you’re running late and when you expect to be there. Of course, you should apologise. A reasonable company would understand if the train breaks down or there is an unusual amount of traffic.

Questions To Ask The Interviewer

At the end of every interview, you will be asked if you have any questions. Whatever you do, don’t say no! This shows your enthusiasm and genuine interest in the role. You should ask questions like, “what do you like about working here?” and, “what are the day to day tasks for this job role?”

Practice With A Friend Or Family

You have checked through most of the checklist and now it is time to practice. Yes, it is a little hard to take it seriously, especially if it is with your best friend. However, you should practise. If you can’t with your friends - ask an older sibling or a parent. Hey, you could even ask a trusted tutor!


What To Wear To An Interview?

In this section, we will go over some pointers and advisable suggestions to help make you look fit for the job. Whether that is examples of interview outfits, attire for men and women or some golden pointers, you are in the right place.

What is business casual?

Despite the 'casual' part, choosing a business casual outfit can seem impossible. There is always the fear you are going too casual, or end up being too overdressed. The emergence of Silicon Valley saw the likes of Mark Zuckerburg introducing the hoodie into everyday working life. Now online companies and startups are adopting the smart casual attire.

When Are You Expected To Wear Business Casual?

  • Startups
  • Online companies
  • Entry-level jobs

Comfortable, affordable and simple are just a few of the reasons why workers favour this, but this all changes when you need to decide a business casual interview outfit.

Business Casual Interview Outfits


These are good outfit choices for most companies, including the more traditional ones! If you feel like the work culture is a little more formal, simply swap the shoes for something smarter. Who knew picking an outfit could be so easy?!

What Is Formal Attire?

Seen as the traditional way of dressing for an interview, the formal attire is a hard one to master, especially on a student’s budget! However, you can dress without breaking the bank. Praise the lord for Primark!

When Are You Expected To Wear Formal Attire?

  • High skilled roles
  • Finance, banking and pharmaceutical industries
  • Managerial roles
  • Placements and graduate positions

Formal Interview Outfits


Dress to impress. If you feel tied down with the lack of colour, don't be afraid! A vibrant blazer or shirt normally goes down a treat.

The Interview Format

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer to the world of job hunting, understanding interview formats can be a game-changer. Each style has its rhythm and tempo, and knowing the dance can help you ace that interview and land the job of your dreams. Let us explain to you in more detail!

1. The structured interview:

  • Seen in larger corporations or for entry-level positions where there are many applicants.
  • Ensures a fair and objective process by evaluating each candidate against the same set of criteria through a Q&A session.
  • Questions that probe into your technical know-how and soft skills, ensuring everyone is assessed on an even playing field.
  • Example: "Can you detail your experience with project management software?"

2. The semi-structured interview:

  • For mid-level positions or roles requiring a certain degree of personality fit, like customer service or sales.
  • Popular in dynamic industries like tech startups or creative agencies where flexibility and individuality are valued as much as technical skills.
  • Allows you to lead the conversation with your responses, providing a deeper insight into your character and expertise.
  • Example: "Tell me about a time project management software significantly impacted your workflow."

3. The unstructured interview:

  • For senior-level or highly specialized roles.
  • The conversation might evolve organically, focusing on high-level strategy or in-depth expertise.
  • Prevalent in industries where cultural fit and individual thought processes are as crucial as professional experience, such as executive roles or niche consultancies.

Types of Interview Questions

Diving into the job market can be like stepping onto a stage; you're the star, and the interview is your opening act. But what will the audience – a.k.a. your potential employers – ask? Understanding the types of interview questions can give you the inside track to a standing ovation.

  • Behavioural Interview Questions:
    These are reflective queries about your past work experiences. Think along the lines of, "Tell me about a time when you faced a challenge at work." They're looking for stories that showcase your skills in action.

  • Situational (Scenario-based) Interview Questions:
    These are hypotheticals designed to assess your problem-solving abilities. For example, "What would you do if you were given a project with a tight deadline?"

  • Informational Interview Questions:
    They're more about learning and networking than job seeking. Here, you may be asked, "Can you tell me about your career path?"

  • Time Management Interview Questions:
    They are crafted to tease out your organisational prowess and prioritisation finesse. Imagine being asked, "How do you handle tight deadlines and multiple projects?"

  • Personality Interview Questions:
    Aim to sketch out your character traits, with questions like, "How would your colleagues describe you?"

  • Communication Interview Questions:
    These questions evaluate how well you convey ideas. A classic might be, "Explain a complex idea in simple terms."

  • Competency-Based Interview Questions:
    These questions provide an insight into how you can utilise your skills in a work environment to overcome challenges or to generate results. For example, ‘Tell me about a time you worked or led a team.’' To answer this question, use the STAR method - situation, task, action, result.

Each question type is a thread in the tapestry of your interview, woven together to create a picture of your potential. So, rehearse well, and remember, every question is a cue for you to shine.

Questions To Ask In An Interview

As the interview draws to a close, it transitions into a two-way street where you have the opportunity to ask questions to the hiring manager. A common response to this is: 'I have no questions, they were all answered just now.' Avoid this like the plague! To show off your inquisitive nature, below are examples of questions to ask in an interview.

Examples Of Questions To Ask In An Interview

  • What are the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?
  • How do you enjoy working here?
  • Can you describe the culture of the company?
  • What does the future look like for the organisation?
  • Is there room for a profession?
  • How much training is involved?
  • What do you like best about the company?
  • What will happen now?

Why Should You Ask Questions In An Interview?

There are many valuable reasons why you should ask questions in an interview. Still not convinced? Read on...

1. Shows you're interested

If you were uninterested then your initial reaction would be to get out of that rook as quickly as you can. Instead the easiest way to show genuine interest is to ask questions regarding the role, company or even interviewer. For example, how did they progress into their position they're in now?

2. You have researched the company

Asking questions regarding risks, competitors or recent changes highlights your initiative to research the company. You can also ask questions regarding the values of the organisation to see if they suit your tastes.

3. Settle any doubts

Will this remain a temporary position, or is there room for it to become permanent? How much training is involved? This is also the chance to find out any little doubts you may have to influence your final decision!

Questions Not To Ask In An Interview

Asking questions in an interview is strongly advised, however, there are some which are best left unsaid. Why? It may show you are uninterested in the role or displays an unprofessional attitude. Better safe than sorry!

  • What is the salary?
  • What does your company do?
  • When can I take time off for a holiday?
  • Did I get the job?
  • Can I get a pay rise?
  • How long is lunch?

Now you know what to say, how to behave and what to wear for your interview! Don’t forget to research the job position and the company, and practise your interview technique! We wish you all the luck for your job interview. Psst, you can also make your own free online CV right here, too.

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