If I had a pound for every time I scrolled through Facebook looking at self-deprecating memes and tagging my friends I would be pretty damn rich. When I say rich I mean like £200 better off, but nonetheless, myself and many others invest so much time on social media and what do we get out of it? Yes, a few giggles, the ability to keep in touch with friends, and also a photographic journal of things we would rather keep from our parents. However, how great would it be if you could start earning money on social media?
The influence social media has on users is bigger than ever and with exposure to over 2 billion users, it creates a massive marketing platform for you and your business. Still interested? Take a look at 4 reasons why starting a business using Facebook is not a bad idea…
So after the creative brainstorming using all the coloured pens from the rainbow you are presented with your business idea. Now in the case of a startup business, the physical part is time-consuming and can cost a hell of a lot of money. Selling your own products through Facebook is painless and to help sell on Facebook pages, using websites such as Shopify is easy as 1-2-3! The procedure takes minutes - great for millennials like myself who have the attention span of a gnat! With over 600,000 businesses using Shopify, you are in safe hands too,
As I said before, there are currently over 2 billion active users on Facebook, now of course, you are not going to be targeting every single one but it can give you a head start in your online business. With the ability to target your audience to location, age and other preferences you can really match your business model to your customers. Facebook Ads prices vary in price, however, you are in control. Set a budget of £30 and you can increase your likes by over 1000!
To start a business you need determination, a splash of creativity, and to dream big. If you have an idea, there are so many great websites, like Shopify out there that will help offer guidance. For example, Shopify provides you with all the information you need to set up your online business, and if you are like me and have no prior knowledge whatsoever, they also have a 24/7 helpline.
Selling products seamlessly through Facebook means you are your own boss, with the power to decide what to sell and how to sell it gives you a sense of euphoria and a challenge, which is never a bad thing. Being in control of your business allows you to grow both professionally and personally - learning how to communicate with customers, building online visibility and effectively using e-commerce are skills that are in demand and growing to the continuous growth in online sales.
This list covers only the first layer of why it is a great idea to consider starting an online business - and if you are a student wanting to earn a little money along the side to pay for coffees (or alcoholic beverages) then this is perfect. Also, if you do not want to be limited to just Facebook, check out the image below which also highlights why selling your products through different channels is also a sweet idea!

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