It's a dilemma of every graduate face. Should you plunge into another intense year or two or complex, specialist research or use your hard-earned undergraduate degree, right now, to launch your career?
You're certainly doing the right thing. We've got some information that could help you decipher whether a Masters degree is for you.
Increased employability
Not immediately, though! A Master's degree will take another chunk of your time, and you'll be up against the toughest, most complex study you've faced yet.
The reward to your employability, however, is significant. Nine out of ten at Masters leavers in 2016/17 were in work or further study within six months of graduation - and 87.8% of these graduates were employed in a professional or managerial role.
The dedication it takes to complete Master's degree study is not lost on prospective employers, many of whom may have been down that route themselves.
Higher earning potential
"With great power, great responsibility" - and, you'll be pleased to know, greater income, too! Research has found that workers with a postgraduate degree are more likely to earn salaries or about £ 27,000.
This indicates that you are likely to end up looking at a bigger pay packet if you invest that extra time - not to mention money - in Masters degree study. If you're looking for more opportunities in your bank account, then Masters degree study is for you.
Choose the right course
Is not everyone looking for that, on some level? The answer here is yes, but the real question is how to do that dream job.
This is what you can do for everyone, who is already working in your dream job. If a particular Master's degree will indeed help you open the door to your dream job, then dedicate yourself to that degree as soon as you can.
Making the move
Once you're sure where you stand, the next step is to wedge your foot on your Master's degree. Take some time to research the range of courses and universities available.
It's likely That you'll be moving to another town or city, so cut down on your costs and stress by comparing quotes for a student and man of service. You can then get ready for the next step in your career and education.
Expect a challenge
Having completed your undergraduate degree, you're probably quite knowledgeable when it comes to the subject matter, right? Yes, but nobody ever starts a Masters degree ready to graduate with a Masters degree. No matter where you have achieved so far.
If you are looking forward to the future, you will take the many challenges of mastering your mind with an open, highly-educated mind. Good luck!
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