Work and education

Students are often known to combine work with full-time study. For many people, holding down a job is as important as it is challenging; balancing your studies, work, and personal life is not easy, but still necessary.

Even though striking a balance is difficult, it is not impossible, and once achieved, it can be remarkably rewarding. In this article, we will explore ways in which you can combine work with education without losing your sanity.

Let Your University Hire You

One of the most common ways students gain work experience is by looking for employment opportunities at your university. This has many perks; the most important one is that you will be able to make it to work and back to your dorm within minutes. As a result, you won’t have to worry about spending part of your earnings on transport between your job and residence. This can save you a massive amount. You will also have more time on your hands thanks to the short commute duration; that’s a win for you in the time management department!

Universities generally offer part-time work positions in libraries. Some universities may even hire you to work with their catering and lunch service. Look into what your university offers and make your next move accordingly.

Opt for an Online Degree

Distance-learning is all the rage and has decent credibility, too. However, it isn’t for everyone. Some people would rather study in-person at a physical university than take their classes online. However, if you’re planning on holding down a demanding job while still working, do consider taking up an online degree. Many universities offer such degrees, including Walden University, RMIT University, and Nottingham Trent University.

Online classes will allow you to maintain a more flexible work schedule and also shift through cities if that’s what you’re aiming for. Sometimes students like to gain work experience by combining work with travel. However, if you’re doing this, you will need to remain mindful of exam times and the demands of your university. You may still have to pin yourself down sometimes, but will gain employability skills through your vast exposure, making you more likely to land a job as soon as you graduate.

You will also have the ability to work late, though this may not always be a good idea as it can take a toll on your health and lead to poor quality assignments.

Apply to a Work-Study Program

Some universities offer financial aid by employing you while still gracing you with a scholarship; granted, you need to be an exceptional student for this, but it is possible and certainly worth looking into.

Just remember that working these jobs does not cover tuition fees; they may be enough to pay for your day-to-day expenses, but not more than that. This scheme is similar to applying for a part-time position at your university and offers similar rewards.

Find an Online Part-Time Job

The internet is a goldmine if you know how to navigate your way through it. Try signing up for online part-time jobs. These jobs generally do not require too much of your time and offer flexible timings. The flexibility on timings is a massive perk for university students; nothing compares to having the ability to schedule your day in a way that works for you. Such jobs also require the bare minimum when it comes to education; a high school degree should suffice education-wise.

The pay scale for such a job varies greatly; depending on how much time you can afford to give and your skills, you may just be able to snag a job that covers your daily expenditures and helps you cover larger things like partial rent, or add to your savings.

Online job options include social media page management, teaching over video calls, and writing for miscellaneous blogs. Combining a job like this with your education won’t be too hard.

Things to Keep in Mind

Before agreeing to take up paid work, make sure you can commit to it. Here are a few things you should keep in mind before you sign up for work:

Time Management Matters

Remember that you are studying, too; don’t let your education take the back seat because of your job. It’s just not worth it, nor is it a good idea. Time management is key; without it, your job and studies will both suffer, and this will take a toll on your overall performance and life in general.

Try to stick to a strict schedule, but also do your best to take out time for yourself, even if it’s just 30 minutes each day. Getting enough free time is so important; not getting enough of it will increase your stress levels and harm your mental state, as well as your physical wellbeing. As a result, you may begin to fail in all parts of life.

Managing all these things at once is not impossible; students do it all the time. However, you must keep yourself in check and do your best to follow through with the demands of your life.

Studies Take Priority Over Jobs

If your job is preventing you from getting enough study time, talk to your employer. Employers tend to be empathetic towards the needs of their student employees; you might be surprised by how much a sincere conversation can change. Remember, there are many other people in your exact position, trying to balance education with a job and handle their time accordingly.

Make sure you give your studies 100%, or else there's no point in attending university. Exam time is a prime example of when you will need more time to commit to your studies; try to get your employer to reduce your shifts during such times. As is, universities do not recommend students working over 9 hours a week.

Each academic year comes with new demands, and your job may have to adjust to them; nothing should stop you from getting your study hours in.


Combining work with a study is possible; you just need to go about it in the right fashion. In the long run, your education will help you, so focus on that more and cut back on work if you need to. Try to find a flexible job to help you out with time management.

The results will be extremely rewarding and worth the effort. Working will boost your chances of getting a job after graduation, too, so give it your best without compromising on studies.

This article was written by a writer from PapersOwl. You can find similar papers or other research on this topic online. 

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