Top original part-time jobs to consider in college


In college, you think about two main things: how to meet all the deadlines and where to get money. Sometimes, these things complement each other: for example, when you ask your groupmates, «Do you know someone who can do my homework for me online?». In any case, the question of money is always relevant, either to have some pocket money for everyday expenses or to pay for college essay. 67% of college students struggle with money, and a job with a flexible schedule will be perfect to help you boost your resume, meet new people, and earn extra cash. If you are not sure about entering this competitive market, we have some job ideas for college students you have definitely not considered yet.


Top high-paid jobs to have in college

With these best part time jobs for college students, pick the one that will bring you both money and pleasure:


  • Pet sitter

If you love animals, you will find this job very enjoyable. Besides, it is also highly paid as you can get $13 per hour. You can take care of pets during the weekend or after classes and have some extra cash every now and then;


  • Blogger

If you like writing, don`t let your smartphone off your hands, and know the ways on how to get the most value of social networks, you can become a blogger. You may either create a website on Wordpress and fill it in with the content, or post this content in your Instagram or Facebook accounts attracting more people and making money on ads;


  • Tutor

This is one of the typical side jobs for students. If you study well, you can share your knowledge with other people for $18 per hour. Thus you both repeat the learned material and also make money, so this is a great option;


  • Library assistant

We bet you didn`t know this job really exists, but it does. You can work on campus with easy access to study materials and $13 per hour;


  • Transcriber

Many people need some help when they record important thoughts on the go and require them to be transformed into text. That is what a subscriber does and gets for this job around $16 per hour;


  • Casino dealer

What an interesting choice, but why not? For this job, you can get $8 per hour, but with 10% tip it becomes more interesting;


  • Freelance writer

Good at writing? Good for you. This job is a perfect match for those students who dream to have a flexible time-table. You can write whenever you have some free time;


  • Waiter

One of the easiest (with no extra skills required) jobs that also gives you an option to earn much money with tips;


  • Babysitter

If you love kids, you can become a nanny and earn $15 per hour sitting with someone`s kids every now and then. Many families are in search of a reliable person, so get references and go for it;



  • Uber driver

If you have your own car (even used one), you can earn money by giving a ride to those who need it. Working in Uber, you can count on $15 per hour;


  • Fitness instructor

If you are proud of your body and love sports, help people become better versions of themselves for $20 per hour. You can also consider Zumba, yoga, and dancing classes as well. 

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