The biggest challenge when searching for jobs is to stand out from the competition. Most people tend to create a LinkedIn profile to tell recruiters about their various experiences and expertise, but that doesn’t set you apart.

A better way to stand out is by crafting your very own personal website. But it requires a more complicated process, such as using a hosting provider and choosing a hosting plan, customizing the site to look professional, and inputting relevant information in it.

7 Ways a Personal Website Can Help You Find a Real Job

However, the results can bring plenty of advantages to your job searching haul. This article will mention seven ways a personal website can help you find a real job.

Let’s get started.

1. Showcase Your Work Portfolio

Showcasing your skills through a resume and social media is an excellent way to gain the hiring manager’s attention. However, almost all resumes and social media posts look somewhat the same. This doesn’t create a lasting impression.

Having a personal website, on the other hand, allows you to showcase your work portfolio. So instead of explaining to hiring managers what you’re good at, you can simply show them your work samples. 

Since you can modify the website to what you want it to look like, having a personal site can go a long way to help you stand out from other candidates, especially if you already have a lot of tasks and jobs done before.

2. Demonstrates Your Skills

Creating a personal website is an excellent way to showcase your skills and be perceived as tech-savvy. You can enhance your web design, coding, copywriting, and graphic design skills by building your unique website.

Building a website is relatively easy, thanks to website builders and content management systems. You don’t need any technical skills and can utilize the templates and customization options available on the platforms. All you need to do is to do some research before choosing any website-building software or CMS to make sure they best fit your needs and requirements.

While creating a website is easy, what you showcase to hiring managers is that you have skills in making a well-designed, aesthetically pleasing, and concise personal website. This shows that you take your career seriously and are willing to take that extra step to show that.

3 . Control Your Branding

You may not know this, but hiring managers will sometimes google candidates and check their social media profiles and websites.

If you have a personal website, they can easily find all the relevant information about you. Hence they don’t need to go through multiple social media accounts to get to know you better. 

Utilize the personal website to showcase all the good things about yourself to make a positive impression on the hiring managers. Use recognizable web design for your site to stand out and create a strong impression on your audience.

However, this doesn’t mean you can just ignore how you present yourself on other social media platforms. Make sure all of your profiles and accounts are tidy and don’t have any unprofessional pictures or content on them.

4. Helps You Stand Out from Others

Not a lot of people are using personal websites. Therefore, having one will give you a great advantage to stand out from the other candidates.

While the others would only have their CV, resumes, and social media accounts to showcase their expertise and experiences, a personal website can include all of that in one place, saving the hiring managers’ time when reviewing your application.

5. Recruiters Can Easily Reach You

By creating a website, purchasing a domain name, and filling your website with keywords relevant to your field, you no longer have to reach out to recruiters. Instead, recruiters might reach out to you.

If your content and website are optimized for search engine result pages, there’s a great chance of you ranking on top whenever a recruiter types in certain keywords. To do this, you need to conduct SEO.

It’s even better if you’re able to secure a domain name with your name in it. This allows people to see your website first whenever they type in your name into the search engines. However, keep in mind that this method works best for people with uncommon names.

6. Build and Grow Your Network

It’s not just hiring managers that can find you but also everyone else on the internet. This means that like-minded people who share the same interests and passions might try to connect with you.

Thus your website becomes a tremendous networking opportunity. You may open yourself up to many new opportunities, such as partnerships, new jobs, and joining a dedicated group of people in the same niche.

7. You Can Learn Something New

Because creating a website requires you to do the customizations on your own, you will inevitably learn something new. You’ll research how to design a website, "build a custom logo design," how to conduct SEO, how to create high-quality content, and marketing, and do website analytics.

While website builders and CMSs assist you, you still need to do everything manually on your own to get the best results. 

Since you’ll be using a hosting web service, you’ll also have to learn about the different web hosting plans, so you know which one is the best for your website.


Creating a personal website provides plenty of benefits when applying for jobs. Here’s what you can do with a personal site:

  • Showcase your work portfolio
  • Demonstrate your skills
  • Control your personal branding
  • Stand out from your competition
  • Become attractive to recruiters
  • Build and grow your network
  • Learn something new

All that’s left to do now is buy a domain, select best dedicated hosting, and start crafting your website. Make sure that you make it aesthetically pleasing – going for a minimalistic approach is usually best.

Good luck!

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