peformance review

A performance review, also known as performance appraisal, is a formal review that employers will hold with you. The review is a type of assessment that analyses your work performance and identifies any strengths and weaknesses. You should receive feedback and how you can improve. A useful performance review should be two-sided - you should be able to give feedback to your manager. The person also conducting the review should also be someone who works closely with you.

Managers can use performance reviews to make sure their staff is in line with the company's goals. The review is also so that employees know what they are doing and how they can improve. Managers can also use these reviews to correct any issues in the workplace before they develop. As part of the process, you may be asked to create a personal development plan.

What Is Self-Evaluation?

Self-evaluation is one of the best methods that you can do before you go in for your performance review. You will need to be honest and look closely at your work life and your work performance. What are the things you can improve? Are you happy at work? What can you do to make reaching targets easier? These are all questions you should ask and answer yourself. Remember, it doesn't have to be all negative. What are the things that make you proud? What have you achieved this year? You should keep this work-related, of course! Your manager isn't interested in your high score on Fortnite.

Find a quiet space, with no distractions and think. Write down your thoughts and feelings about your work life, your goals and your achievements. Having done this before your performance review will mean you're well prepared, and you will hopefully have a productive assessment.

What To Say In A Performance Review?

After you have done your self-evaluation, you should have a list of things of what to say in a performance review. You will have a tailored made list for yourself, but here are some things you may want to mention if you haven't already.

  • Discuss your happiness. Your manager must know if you're happy or unhappy at work. There is no need to torment yourself if you and your manager can come up with a solution that makes you happy in your job.

  • Suggest new practises. If you have areas of concern, you shouldn't feel unable to bring them up. After all, a good manager will listen and take note of your ideas and opinions on how work practises can be better. Make sure you have a suggestion though, rather than just listing problems.

  • Talk about your achievements. Highlighting the things that you have done is a great way to get your manager to realise all the things you have achieved. However, remember not to brag. There is a fine art of bigging yourself up and not sounding arrogant. You may need to provide proof of your achievements - so don't make things up.

  • Ask about the business. Asking this shows you have an interest in the overall development of the business and want to help achieve the long term goals that the company may have.

  • New tools to help you with your job. If you need new equipment, software or resources, a performance review is a great place to broach the subject. You need these tools to complete your work and to help the business reach its targets.

  • Discuss your future. This is where having a completed personal development plan comes in talk to your manager about short term and long term goals you may have.

  • Read your job description. Reading your job description can give you excellent leverage to ask for more or fewer responsibilities and a possible promotion. Your job title and responsibilities could have changed drastically compared to the job description which you were interviewed for.

  • Ask for more Money. After listing all your achievements and ambitions, you could ask for a pay rise. However, don't just ask for one - this may offend. Asking for a review on your pay is better. Look at our tips on how to get a pay rise.

  • Give feedback to your manager. A good performance review should be two ways, not one-sided. This process is intended, not just to help you, but your manager and the overall business. A good company will use these as a way to improve - not to criticise. If your manager isn't giving you enough attention or they are micromanaging you - now is the time to give them feedback.

Performance Review Feedback

Once you have your performance review feedback, it will either be negative or positive. Having a bad performance review can be devasting, especially if you have lost your job. However, if you haven't lost your job, getting a bad review isn't the end of the world. Use this opportunity to improve quickly.

If you had a great performance review, then congratulations! Now it's the time to keep on improving, and hopefully, you can start looking at your personal long term goals and how to accomplish them.

Before you do anything, give it 24 hours upon receiving your feedback. Waiting will give you the time to process your feedback and if you have any questions, to articulate them constructively, rather than emotionally.

Performance Review Examples

Each workplace will have its own performance review template and questions. However, we will have some performance review examples below. The examples will show you what sort of questions you may be asked and what kind of 'scoring' system you may encounter. Performance reviews can happen in paper form, online or in a database. Having said this, most performance reviews will have these sorts of questions.

Performance Review Questions

  • Overall Performance. Which goals did you meet and did not meet?

  • Strengths. What kind of work comes most effortless to you?

  • Improvements. What can you focus on that will help you grow and develop?

  • Current Job. What do you like least about your current role, and what would you change?

  • Future. What are your most important goals?

  • Relationships. Do you have any concerns about giving your manager feedback?

  • Follow Up. Focus on improving these things until your next performance review.

You may be asked different questions to the ones exampled above. However, the theme of the questions will most likely be the same.

You will also be rated on your performance. Each company has there own scoring system; this can vary from an A, B, C and performance percentages. The most common scoring system is, Meets and Exceeds Expectations, Satisfactory and Needs Improvement. You may be rated on things like dedication, communication and teamwork.

If the thought of a performance review fills you with anxiety, try not to worry. (I know, easier said than done.) Everyone goes through this process. If you look at it as a way to help you achieve your goals, a performance review is just an in-depth tool to help you along your career path. Remember to use this opportunity to express any concerns about your job or your working life. Being honest is the best possible way for your manager to help you.

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